Thursday, October 6, 2011

Like Sands Thru the Hour Glass . . . . . so are the Days of our Lives.

From my journal…..
It’s the end of September, a very busy month and I sat and reflected this morning on this past month of September and especially the weekend we just had in Calgary.   There are so many memories -  A conversation, A feeling, AN atmosphere, all seem still so vivid.  They make me smile and sometimes, most often, bring a blurriness in my eyes.  I always have mixed feelings about leaving and going to Alberta.  I start out excited, then I think I will miss my house (I love my house), then as we actually go I’m happy again to see our children and family, then I know that the weekend will go way to fast and I’ll have to leave them behind and drive many miles away from them.  It’s hard not to see our children when I want, when so many things have been happening in their lives and be able to pop in for coffee or go see a dragon boat festival or help renovate their home, but that is life (for now).  That brings me to this blog.  I’ve procrastinated long enough and finally got this writing done so hope you enjoy a bit of our  month.

Crystal & Mick have officially filed their adoption papers and we are so excited for them!  It seems so surreal to me but I think that’s because we’ve never been through an adoption before.  I can only imagine what it feels like to them as they sit and think about it.  This is huge!  Each time we saw them they had an update of meetings they had attended on adoption and things they had to think about and do.  It will be a new road for all of us and I am so hoping that things, meaning the paperwork, happens in the right timing that they need to prepare for this new addition to their family.  We’re talking about a human person here and speaking of the ‘paperwork’ that has to be done.  So bizarre, but necessary.  I just hope Greg & I can be the encouragement they will need and the shoulders they need when things might get scary.  I know they will be great parents.  I hope I will be a good grandparent.

September  2
I was looking forward to visiting the in-laws at the lake where they spend a lot of their summer days.  As Greg and I drove out to Alberta, we received a call from Greg’s mom saying that she took dad to the hospital with a sore foot and it looked infected.  The doctors had thoughts of removing the toe and perhaps more of the leg.  So our plans changed a bit and we spent time at the hospital in Calgary and with our children.  It was hard to drive back home without knowing what was going to happen to Greg’s dad.  At the time, dad seemed older and maybe sadder but he did manage a few smiles.

September 22
We celebrated our 32nd anniversary.   That’s pretty fantastic.
Greg never seems to remember the date but he honestly tries each year and it’s quite funny.  I smiled when he messaged me at work and said, “Do you know what day it is?”
I thought, ‘I know where he’s going with this’.  “I do, it’s the 2oth, why?”
He says, “Crap!! When is our anniversary again?” 
I told him it’s on the 22nd and he said some mushy stuff that I’m not about to share. 
So that evening when I got home from work I was feeling sentimental and I pulled out my wedding dress from the back of the closet and took off the plastic.  I believe that’s the first time that I’ve done that, that I can remember.  I took some pictures of it and will post them on a later day.  My husband said, “Try it on”.  Ya, I knew better than that.  I don’t need to see him laughing.  Although I just need to remind him how well his suit would fit today.  Where is that thing anyways?  Some people rent their wedding dresses but I’m glad I didn’t.  Of course, back in the day, I think it cost $250 or something crazy like that.  But that was probably lots then.  Anyways I want to scan all the wedding photos and do them up properly in a new album.  It’s going to be a winter project, much like all the other pictures that need to be done.

September 23
We left for Calgary again to see Greg’s dad.
On the 9th of this month, they removed his toe and hoped it would heal quickly.  We didn’t realize or hadn’t thought much about how dad might be feeling so seeing him this time made us take a step back.  He was very tired all the time and kept his eyes closed most of the time.  Only when someone asked him a question did he respond with a head up, a smile, and a quick answer.  Then back to what seemed like sleeping.  His body has taken on lots of medication so hopefully it’s his body’s way of saying ‘I need to heal myself, let me sleep’.  Dad loved to go outside and sit in the sunshine, he missed the sunshine.  We often bought him a coffee and wheeled him outside.  It tired him out a lot but probably felt good to get out of the room and the bed.   Again it was hard to drive home and we had a few days of car trouble that added to Greg’s stress.  Since then dad has had a great improvement and we’re hoping it continues and he can go home again.

September 30
Craig is in the final stages of buying a yoga studio.  He’s a great yogi.
To say the least it’s been a ride and a half for us in this new adventure.  I can’t remember the exact day that Craig phoned us, although I bet he knows, and said he might have the option of buying the studio where he taught yoga.  Today is ‘the’ day and everything looks to be in place so as of today, Craig will own his own yoga studio.   We are so excited for him!  This isn’t a regular yoga studio, it’s Calgary Hot Yoga.  Greg & I attended a class once and let me tell you, it was something else.  At one point I did feel a little faint and had to sit on my mat and wait out the dizziness.  I think I could really get used to it and we did feel invigorated after.  It could have been the joy of making it thru the class still breathing too.  I’m very excited to see what he does with the studio in the terms of making it his own and hope he enjoys each day that he spends doing something he loves.  It could just be the beginning of a chain of studios for him, who knows what the future holds.  But we will be there to encourage him and even take a class or two when we are in Calgary. 
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