Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Granny to Glamourous

Christmas Snowflakes (otherwise known as ‘doilies’)
I renamed my ‘doilies’ and thought that they looked more like snowflakes especially at this time of year.  After seeing an article in Martha Stewarts’ magazine, which I thought was beautifully done with a twist of contemporary, I knew I had to try it.  And that is the twist for sure – using the doilies and adding a contemporary flair to your arrangement.  I’m not sure I have captured the look I have in my thoughts but I’ll need to go shopping to get that effect, but this Christmas I’ll make due with what I have.
I started by going to the local thrift store and found 2 wooded racks holding all sizes of snowflakes.  To sum it up, I cleaned up.  Some were as little as .30 going up to 1.30.  I bought a total of 24 that cost me $9.90.  I have no idea how they decide on the price and the lady who rang up my purchases obviously had the same thoughts as she had to ask her helper if these prices were right.  Both looked at the snowflakes and hummed and hawed over them.  I said “maybe it’s the time that went into the task.  Just hurry it up so I can get home and see if this idea is going to work!”  (I didn’t say that but was sure thinking it) My husband Greg made a comment as we left saying I should feel bad that I cleaned them out and some old lady’s going to go there looking for some pretty doilies for Christmas and find none hanging on the racks.  Ah, I say she should have been there early like me.

That evening I had to take the price tags off gently as to not snag the delicate stitches with the staples.  It took about 30 minutes to arrange the snowflakes into something I liked.  Not as easy as you’d think it would be.  First it looked too symmetrical as I tried too hard to make it perfect.  It’s not in my nature to create something so random looking and be able to leave it that way.  Then I ‘threw’ them on the table to see what I got and then flattened them out.  Nope, not good either.  Finally, a random large and small placement that didn’t look to ‘placed’ was making me happy.  Of course, thru all this, my husband is such an encourager.  His giggling and snickering at me, just made me more adamant to make this happen.  I began to gently stitch the snowflakes together only to realize I was going to be there all night!  I really don’t want to use the glue gun, but alas, because I just couldn’t wait to get it done, out came the glue.  Later I can stitch them together if I really like them.  Can you imagine my patience to crochet? Not.

An alternative look is to spray glue on the snowflakes and toss some glitter on them.  You may like this but I thought I’d try it plain this year.  Next year.  I may also dye a snowflake or two to match my colors of Christmas and toss them ‘randomly’ on top to add that special something.

I have to say, I think this is one craft that is probably not a real hit with today’s young crafters.  It may be soon lost and my Christmas doilies may be worth a lot of money some day.  I best start collecting them now.  I remember my mom and even my grandmother with crochet needles working away while they visited or whenever.  Can you imagine if you invited your friends over for an evening and brought out your crocheting?  Actually they may be intrigued with what you’re creating but on the way home, they’d be saying, “what’s with that?”

Monday, November 14, 2011

Armoire Decor

One evening I got into a decorating mood and I decided I'd waited long enough in changing some décor for the fall and that mid-November is not too late to spruce things up on the amoire in the dining room.  I realized when I was done that I could easily change up a few things to bring in the Christmas theme, specifically like the vase and candles.
This armoire is my mother-in-laws and I’ve grown to love it.  When we moved into our new house, I didn’t know where to put it.  With the ‘open floor’ concept in a lot of newer homes, we didn’t have a lot of walls to place things.  Today it displays pictures and other memories.

My gold framed mirrors I bought from a garage sale in a neighbouring community.  I always thought I would paint them but sometimes things are better off just the way they are.  And I can’t decide what color they would look better in.  I've grown to love them the way they are.
The feathers in the vase are my huge purchase from the Dollar Store.

The armoire holds lots of family pictures, such as our daughters wedding photo, taken at the Calgary Zoo.  

My mom gave me the linen doily which I confess to changing (or cutting) the shape of it to suit my desire.  There is a name for this craft but couldn't even google it because I didn't know what I was describing.  You actually sew by hand special knots around a design and then cut out the pieces of fabric in between, thus leaving the open spaces.  It's very beautiful when done but very time consuming.  The glass & metal plate I received from my daughter years ago, so I’m guessing it was a Christmas gift.

I remember the day we took these cute pictures of our children.  I think they had to be 5 & 6 years old.  The frames were also bought at a Dollar Store years ago.

Our daughter had these animal picture holders at her wedding and I couldn’t resist having a set of my own.  I took out the pictures just for taking the photo as it looked too cluttered.
So you can see and read that you don’t need to spend a ton of money to decorate and make your home warm and inviting.  While it’s nice to buy those more expensive items, it’s not always necessary.  Sometimes you just need a few items to get you going and you’ll create something you can be proud of.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Like Sands Thru the Hour Glass . . . . . so are the Days of our Lives.

From my journal…..
It’s the end of September, a very busy month and I sat and reflected this morning on this past month of September and especially the weekend we just had in Calgary.   There are so many memories -  A conversation, A feeling, AN atmosphere, all seem still so vivid.  They make me smile and sometimes, most often, bring a blurriness in my eyes.  I always have mixed feelings about leaving and going to Alberta.  I start out excited, then I think I will miss my house (I love my house), then as we actually go I’m happy again to see our children and family, then I know that the weekend will go way to fast and I’ll have to leave them behind and drive many miles away from them.  It’s hard not to see our children when I want, when so many things have been happening in their lives and be able to pop in for coffee or go see a dragon boat festival or help renovate their home, but that is life (for now).  That brings me to this blog.  I’ve procrastinated long enough and finally got this writing done so hope you enjoy a bit of our  month.

Crystal & Mick have officially filed their adoption papers and we are so excited for them!  It seems so surreal to me but I think that’s because we’ve never been through an adoption before.  I can only imagine what it feels like to them as they sit and think about it.  This is huge!  Each time we saw them they had an update of meetings they had attended on adoption and things they had to think about and do.  It will be a new road for all of us and I am so hoping that things, meaning the paperwork, happens in the right timing that they need to prepare for this new addition to their family.  We’re talking about a human person here and speaking of the ‘paperwork’ that has to be done.  So bizarre, but necessary.  I just hope Greg & I can be the encouragement they will need and the shoulders they need when things might get scary.  I know they will be great parents.  I hope I will be a good grandparent.

September  2
I was looking forward to visiting the in-laws at the lake where they spend a lot of their summer days.  As Greg and I drove out to Alberta, we received a call from Greg’s mom saying that she took dad to the hospital with a sore foot and it looked infected.  The doctors had thoughts of removing the toe and perhaps more of the leg.  So our plans changed a bit and we spent time at the hospital in Calgary and with our children.  It was hard to drive back home without knowing what was going to happen to Greg’s dad.  At the time, dad seemed older and maybe sadder but he did manage a few smiles.

September 22
We celebrated our 32nd anniversary.   That’s pretty fantastic.
Greg never seems to remember the date but he honestly tries each year and it’s quite funny.  I smiled when he messaged me at work and said, “Do you know what day it is?”
I thought, ‘I know where he’s going with this’.  “I do, it’s the 2oth, why?”
He says, “Crap!! When is our anniversary again?” 
I told him it’s on the 22nd and he said some mushy stuff that I’m not about to share. 
So that evening when I got home from work I was feeling sentimental and I pulled out my wedding dress from the back of the closet and took off the plastic.  I believe that’s the first time that I’ve done that, that I can remember.  I took some pictures of it and will post them on a later day.  My husband said, “Try it on”.  Ya, I knew better than that.  I don’t need to see him laughing.  Although I just need to remind him how well his suit would fit today.  Where is that thing anyways?  Some people rent their wedding dresses but I’m glad I didn’t.  Of course, back in the day, I think it cost $250 or something crazy like that.  But that was probably lots then.  Anyways I want to scan all the wedding photos and do them up properly in a new album.  It’s going to be a winter project, much like all the other pictures that need to be done.

September 23
We left for Calgary again to see Greg’s dad.
On the 9th of this month, they removed his toe and hoped it would heal quickly.  We didn’t realize or hadn’t thought much about how dad might be feeling so seeing him this time made us take a step back.  He was very tired all the time and kept his eyes closed most of the time.  Only when someone asked him a question did he respond with a head up, a smile, and a quick answer.  Then back to what seemed like sleeping.  His body has taken on lots of medication so hopefully it’s his body’s way of saying ‘I need to heal myself, let me sleep’.  Dad loved to go outside and sit in the sunshine, he missed the sunshine.  We often bought him a coffee and wheeled him outside.  It tired him out a lot but probably felt good to get out of the room and the bed.   Again it was hard to drive home and we had a few days of car trouble that added to Greg’s stress.  Since then dad has had a great improvement and we’re hoping it continues and he can go home again.

September 30
Craig is in the final stages of buying a yoga studio.  He’s a great yogi.
To say the least it’s been a ride and a half for us in this new adventure.  I can’t remember the exact day that Craig phoned us, although I bet he knows, and said he might have the option of buying the studio where he taught yoga.  Today is ‘the’ day and everything looks to be in place so as of today, Craig will own his own yoga studio.   We are so excited for him!  This isn’t a regular yoga studio, it’s Calgary Hot Yoga.  Greg & I attended a class once and let me tell you, it was something else.  At one point I did feel a little faint and had to sit on my mat and wait out the dizziness.  I think I could really get used to it and we did feel invigorated after.  It could have been the joy of making it thru the class still breathing too.  I’m very excited to see what he does with the studio in the terms of making it his own and hope he enjoys each day that he spends doing something he loves.  It could just be the beginning of a chain of studios for him, who knows what the future holds.  But we will be there to encourage him and even take a class or two when we are in Calgary. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Happy 50th Birthday to my husband!
This post is a bit late since his birthday was July 21st but none the less, very special.  I had some pictures of Greg done and was waiting for them to arrive in the mail so I could show you how handsome he is.

He loves Arctic Cat and we sled together a lot and have a great time.  In fact, he tinkers in the garage on the sleds when it’s cool outside, getting them all ready to ride.
Anyways, I told him he could put the pictures in his ‘man-cave’ downstairs.  Oh, the second picture?  That was my idea of a funny (ha-ha).  AND you'll have to ignore the underwear in the picture below.  It was part of 'white-trash' theme party held in Calgary with our children and family.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

THE pessimist and THE optimist

One day the Pessimist (that would be myself) and the Optimist (that would be my husband) woke to what looked like a gorgeous day.  As they wondered onto their deck overlooking their yard and pond, the sun was already beginning to creep across the deck and warm the earth.  (sounds nice eh?)  There wasn’t a breeze on the huge trees overhanging the pond and walkway.  As they had their coffee and looked for the new fish added to the pond, a slight movement caught the eye of the Optimist. 
He said, 

“What’s that?  hon, come here quickly.”  “Was he there all this time?”
“I didn’t see him, what’s wrong with him?” said the Pessimist.

A bird sat perched on a rock at the edge of he pond.  The Optimist clapped his hands and the bird OPENED his eyes in fright and stared right at the Optimist.  Still, he did not fly away.

“What should we do?”
“Should we move him?” 
“Do you think he has a broken wing or foot?” 
“I think the other birds are coming to close and may try to kill him.” 
Said the Pessimist.

“That my be, but that’s life.” Said the Optimist.

NOW the Pessimist, feeling sorry for the bird, had negative thoughts about the other birds coming around.  They should not be pecking at him and then fly away into the trees to chirp and twitter with their friends.

THE Optimist thought, maybe the birds are coming around and poking the bird to see if he’s alright and if he needs anything.  Then they are flying into the trees to tell the other birds of the sad news.

The sun was now hot and still no breeze to relieve anyone.  The poor bird’s eyes were closed and he swayed slightly from the movement of the water as the pond boy removed dead leaves from the edge. 

Then the Pessimist told the Optimist to place the bird somewhere out of the sun.  So the Optimist took the bird and placed him under a shady plant by the fountain so the hot sun would not torment him anymore.  The Pessimist watched.

Later that morning the bird succumbed to its pain and hurt.  There under the shade of the plant he lay with a small pansy blooming beside him.
*Warning - the following graphics may be too much for some people, use your own discretion.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Why blog?

I wanted to take a step back and just explain a few things about myself since I just jumped back into blogging.
I toyed with the idea for so long and read a lot of articles and tips online about blogging, (and let me say, there is a ton of stuff) that one day my husband said, “Why don’t you just start and see where it goes?”   That’s not really like me but it’s so true.  I said, “I’m scared, what if it’s stupid?”  I could read all the tips about blogging but really, this is going to be a ‘learn as I go’ project and let me tell you, it certainly has been trying.  I must say that I do have a binder full of printed ideas and ‘how to blog’  that I’ve relied on quite a bit.   I am pretty proud of the things I’ve learned and done so far and I’m sure there will be a lot more.  I like to do things well thought out and perfect so this is really new to me, like jumping off a cliff.  
So why blog?  I wanted a place to share the people and things that are special to me.   I love my husband.  I love our children.  And I love to decorate.  When you wrap all this together, you get a life that’s always full of surprises.
Why is it, that when your children are grown and you see the greys appear, that this is when you begin a new phase in life.  My blog is not exactly what I dreamt it would be, but baby steps are good.
I do have a goal to reach but that will remain to be seen, well, for you anyways.  I will tell you that someday I HOPE to flip a home or renovate a home to sell.  My husband and I work very good together and make a good team.  It wouldn’t be the first time that we tore a wall down and changed a room to our liking.
So, there you have it.   Bye for now.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

1st garage sale saturday

May 7th was my first garage sale Saturday of the season. 
What a gorgeous day it was!  Hubby and I grabbed out Timmies coffee and were off.
So, I might be wierd but this item certainly grabbed my attention. 
Not my husband's though as I witnessed his eye-rolling.

Do you know what it is?

So I'll tell you.
It's a 'glove box'.
Now that's not very exciting as today we don't have gloves that we'd keep in such a box.  I know my winter gloves wouldn't fit nor would my snowmobiling gloves. 
But I was intrigued because at one time, there were fancy gloves stored in this box and I wonder what the lady looked like or where she went when she put on these gloves. 
The box is made of cardboard and covered in vinyl.  If I could have, I would have captured the stitching on the top, specifically on the lid, top right.  It was clear this was where the lady opened the box and quite alot too, as the stitching was worn right down.
So make sure you check the boxes tucked under those garage sale tables, who knows what little story is there.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Curb Appeal

Who doesn't want 'curb appeal'?

I knew our house needed some pizzaz so I thought I should start with a wreath.

I always thought they looked nice and I should make one,

I just never did.

I found this wreath at a garage sale for .10

Now, even if I never made a wreath, who could pass that up.

Then I went to my favorite Dollar Store and bought these flowers.

Tools of the trade were just wire & clippers.

Then just weaving and tying where need be.

I was quite impressed at the outcome for my first wreath.

I believe I could make quite a few for the different seasons.

Here's my Vanna, my husband.

I think he's proud & happy it worked out for me,

otherwise he has to hear my pouting.

My finished door (for now).

We really need to paint the door as it's just factory grey/white.

As for the planters, those are plastic grass' too but soon to be real flowers.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Meet our children

Craig and Crystal - they are a good looking couple but that'd be wierd.

This photo was taken at Crystal & Mick's wedding. Craig was his sister's BridesMan.

Always best of friends.

See my husband in the back ground?

(he's on the LEFT).

Pre-wedding fun. I love this picture.

Craig's big into yoga, as you can see, and is a very good instructor.

He also loves Dragon Boating in Calgary.

Isn't she gorgeous on her wedding day?
Crystal was a beautiful bride.

Crystal travelled to Africa all by herself.

I worried about her alot.

Then Crystal met Mick. Mick is a added blessing to our family. I can't leave him out.
Mick loves baseball.

Have a great day!

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