Monday, November 25, 2013

Clay Tags for the Season

Welcome to my display of

Clay Tags -

“tis the Season”

Use these clay tags on gift packages that add a little
“something special”.  Or.
Decorate your home this season with clay tags by  
placing them on your Christmas Tree,
tying one around a wreath,
 or attaching one to a candle with some ribbon.
The options are endless.



Thursday, November 14, 2013

November Slush

Slushy Mess.  That's what I call my walk this morning with the dog.  No pictures.  I'd probably drop the camera trying to do that yet.  You'll just have to let your imagination do the work for you.  The dog needed a walk.  I can tell when he's antsy in the morning, so I have to quit making excuses and just go.  The result . . . is a soaked, stinky, dirty dog in the porch, prancing while still on his lease, cause I'm not letting him go till he's wiped down.  It's actually a game this walking thing.  I finally have no excuses so now I have to get dressed, cause I'm in my comfy jammy's.  Then catch the dog because he knows he has to wear the yucky leash that keeps him from walking ME.  By now I'm sweating cause I'm in that age group and considering just staying home.  Out the door we go with poop bags in my pocket.  (so embarrassing when I go for a kleenex in public and pull out a bag) It's quiet and calm.  No traffic. Just the two of us making footprints in the slushy snow left last night.  It's going to get icy today.  I'm getting chilly now because of the dampness on my back, from getting ready, is now freezing.  Onward across the hi-way.  I've picked our turn-around spot already.  Business is done, if you know what I mean, and taken care of and now we're heading home.  Somehow he knows, it's like a horse heading to the barn.  I'm trying a new thing, which is holding my arm with the leash behind my back.  For some reason it's enough to keep him from leading too much.  When we get in the door, I hook the leash on the door and calmly take my boots and coat off, making the dog sit quiet till I wipe him off.  It must be painful for him cause I know he just wants to run around the house like a crazy dog drying himself.  Nope, not going to happen.  I take my time not saying a word (it's hard) and wipe him down.  When he gets antsy, I stop and wait till he's quiet, then I continue.  Finally - release.  And he's gone!

If I thought alot on my walks, which doesn't happen to deeply, because I'm watching the dog, I'd say I had some lessons from these mornings.  I heard on the news about the discussion on the Lord's Prayer in school.  I'm not one to blog on this stuff because I can't always say well enough what I want and there's really so many sides to this issue.  Maybe that's what inspired me to walk.  It's my time to collect thoughts, to talk to God about everything in a jumble.  But wherever you talk to God, just do it.  Maybe that's why I had patience with the dog when waiting to wipe him down.  Fresh air, exercise and prayers.  Good start to any day.

Friday, November 8, 2013

So Peaceful


Sometimes when it's a beautiful morning,
chilly, but so calm and quiet,
I'll actually join the dog outside and throw a ball for him. 
That's when you see the beautiful sky before the rat race
called our work day begins.
Same sky just a few feet over.

Have a good day.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Kitchen Chalk Board

Just a little in-between DIY done in one evening!
A pretty little framed chalk board.

The frame was almost the same color of the kitchen cabinets but ‘off’ just enough to not look right.  So, with a little paint and wax, I got just what I wanted.  It fills a spot on the counter that just was not making me happy.  Now, I think it’ll be a nice touch.

Till later . . . . 

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