Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy New Year and First Post for 2016

I thought it was only fitting that since my last entry was January 3, 2015 that I wait till January 3, 2016 to blog again.

Happy New Year to you all!

We all have resolutions for the new year, some that we fulfill and some that we don’t. 

I need to be more faithful in my blogging. Just do it! Be less a perfectionist.
I want to journal-blog each month.  
I need to be consistent with updates to my Instagram and Facebook Page.  
I need to spend more evenings repainting furniture. 
I need to sew more projects. 
I want to take better pictures. 
I want to start playing the piano again. 
I need to keep my office space organized. 
I need to finish painting the house. 
I need to exercise and walk the dog more. 
I want to collect unique accessories for the house.
AND on a more personal note:
I want to be a more loving wife, less selfish and more patient.

The past year has been pretty good.  I’ll take it over the year before.  I’m in the process of writing about the last months in 2014.  That was the year we moved back to Alberta.  It’s a long process to do this writing thing.  It was a personal journey for me and our family.  I’m writing it basically for me but I know there are those who might find it good to read about what happens when a family goes thru a crisis like we did.  I’ll be posting it here in my blog when I get it done.

I had time for a few projects in 2015.  

We bought our first RV and did a lot of camping.  We hope to do a lot again this year but we’ll have to wait and see how that turns out.

I’m excited and anxious about what this year holds for our family.  I’m hoping that a few dreams come true and maybe a few surprises come along that excite us beyond anything we could ever imagine for us.  These aren’t secrets at all, but if you follow me on this blog you will find out all the things my heart hopes for and see the path that our life has been travelling on. 

~ Bonny
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