Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Dining Table for Two

Isn’t she gorgeous!
I just love the look of this table.

What started as a natural pine table turned into this soft shiny luxurious table that we’ll use as a dining table in our tiny rental home for 3 months.  Our gigantic dining table will be packed and stored for our new home in Alberta.

I started with a dark blue base coat of my own chalk paint mix.
Then I streaked it with Versailles chalk paint.  Wasn’t quite happy yet with the look so . . . I sanded, added more dark blue streaks, more Versailles streaks, more sanding.  THEN . . .
I knew it needed just a little something more, so I cut out a leaf stencil and painted this on ‘sloppily’ in the Versailles color.

Then the wax, and I ran out of clear wax so I had to use dark wax. This is what added the deep luxurious tone that absolutely love on this table.

That’s the fun part about taking a piece of furniture that isn’t going to break your bank account and just start playing.   Who knows what masterpiece you’ll create.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Journaling June

Journaling June . . .  on July 1st

Happy Canada Day first of all!  No celebrations here today.  The weather is crappy and was the last 4 days. Tomorrow should be nice again because we have to head back to work.  It didn’t matter to us though what the weather was like because we were indoors working like little . . . well crazy people who are getting ready to move in 4 weeks.   

This blog will be unedited tonight.  But then who edits their journal anyways.  It will not contain pictures for your amusement either because all I have would be moving boxes and rooms looking empty and forlorn. 

Chronologically for this month, if I left off last month saying we joined in the community garage sale, 4 days after putting our house on the market we sold it!  Pretty amazing.  We both believe that the fenced yard had a huge part in selling.  We’re just relieved that it’s done and we’re not sitting here in October ready to move and the house is still un-sold.  That however, puts us into another predicament, finding a home for August 1st – October 31st.   It’s not a landlords dream to rent for 3 months to people with a pooch.  The first home we looked at was let’s say, old and a little old smelling and a little damp in the basement.  But, they were willing to rent to us and our pooch for 3 months.  Greg wasn’t sold yet and so we kept looking because we had some time and they hadn’t made a decision on renters yet.  As time went by I was getting antsy and looked at 3 others.  One brand new condo but living in the next town L, a mobile that was ok, and another OLD home.  This one I scratched from the list right away.  More waiting. 

On June 9th, our daughter celebrated her birthday.  I’m so looking forward to next year when I can take her for lunch or to a flea market. She’s getting into the refurbishing and home decorating too and has done a few pieces herself.  Watch out, we could have a store someday.  She’s going to be a mom some day and we can hardly wait to see how that all plays out.  I want to be there for the fun times and the times when she’ll need some encouragement.  I know I called my mom a few times to help with a crying little boy.  Family is so very important to us and that we all get along is so important too. 

June 15th was Father’s Day.  I know Greg misses his dad on this day so it’s always a little different for him.  My dad called me this time in the morning so my thoughts were right away “something is wrong”.  No he just called to say ‘thanks for the card’ and that he’s waiting for us to move back.  Yes, it’ll be different helping to care for them when I’m back but they’re my parents and you have to.  There’s just no reason for turning your back on your parents and leaving them lonely.  I cannot justify those who do this and never will. 

On the morning of Saturday the 21st, we got the call that the landlords had accepted our application for the first little old home.  Thank-goodness!  Another thing checked off the list.  Now we could start packing like a crazy person.  Things were happening now and I wouldn’t be homeless. 

As the storm went thru our town this weekend, we worked like mad inside and I’m quite happy how much we got done.  Greg finished putting in the family room ceiling and new carpet is coming tomorrow.  This was part of our house offer.  So as he was busy downstairs I was busy packing upstairs.  Then we fixed, painted and cleaned today.  There’s still the kitchen, garage and our bedroom to do but we still have some time. 

I think I’m prepared to leave this house.  You begin to separate yourself, or what you do in preparation to leave helps you to separate yourself.  I no longer enjoy sitting on the deck and look across the yard and think about the future here.  I’m ready to go.  That doesn’t say I won’t shed a tear, or many, when we actually close the door on this home and drive away.  It holds a lot of memories.  But they are memories I take with me to a new home, closer to family, where more memories will continue to be made.   

Well, I’m ready for my tea-time and maybe a glass of Sherry.  I deserve it.  

Hope you all had a great weekend.

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