Monday, November 14, 2011

Armoire Decor

One evening I got into a decorating mood and I decided I'd waited long enough in changing some décor for the fall and that mid-November is not too late to spruce things up on the amoire in the dining room.  I realized when I was done that I could easily change up a few things to bring in the Christmas theme, specifically like the vase and candles.
This armoire is my mother-in-laws and I’ve grown to love it.  When we moved into our new house, I didn’t know where to put it.  With the ‘open floor’ concept in a lot of newer homes, we didn’t have a lot of walls to place things.  Today it displays pictures and other memories.

My gold framed mirrors I bought from a garage sale in a neighbouring community.  I always thought I would paint them but sometimes things are better off just the way they are.  And I can’t decide what color they would look better in.  I've grown to love them the way they are.
The feathers in the vase are my huge purchase from the Dollar Store.

The armoire holds lots of family pictures, such as our daughters wedding photo, taken at the Calgary Zoo.  

My mom gave me the linen doily which I confess to changing (or cutting) the shape of it to suit my desire.  There is a name for this craft but couldn't even google it because I didn't know what I was describing.  You actually sew by hand special knots around a design and then cut out the pieces of fabric in between, thus leaving the open spaces.  It's very beautiful when done but very time consuming.  The glass & metal plate I received from my daughter years ago, so I’m guessing it was a Christmas gift.

I remember the day we took these cute pictures of our children.  I think they had to be 5 & 6 years old.  The frames were also bought at a Dollar Store years ago.

Our daughter had these animal picture holders at her wedding and I couldn’t resist having a set of my own.  I took out the pictures just for taking the photo as it looked too cluttered.
So you can see and read that you don’t need to spend a ton of money to decorate and make your home warm and inviting.  While it’s nice to buy those more expensive items, it’s not always necessary.  Sometimes you just need a few items to get you going and you’ll create something you can be proud of.

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