Thursday, May 19, 2011

1st garage sale saturday

May 7th was my first garage sale Saturday of the season. 
What a gorgeous day it was!  Hubby and I grabbed out Timmies coffee and were off.
So, I might be wierd but this item certainly grabbed my attention. 
Not my husband's though as I witnessed his eye-rolling.

Do you know what it is?

So I'll tell you.
It's a 'glove box'.
Now that's not very exciting as today we don't have gloves that we'd keep in such a box.  I know my winter gloves wouldn't fit nor would my snowmobiling gloves. 
But I was intrigued because at one time, there were fancy gloves stored in this box and I wonder what the lady looked like or where she went when she put on these gloves. 
The box is made of cardboard and covered in vinyl.  If I could have, I would have captured the stitching on the top, specifically on the lid, top right.  It was clear this was where the lady opened the box and quite alot too, as the stitching was worn right down.
So make sure you check the boxes tucked under those garage sale tables, who knows what little story is there.


  1. It's interesting to thing about the history of the things. I'm sure you can find a great use for it!


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