This is the house my husband and I bought 4 years ago.
Can you imagine buying a house 2 provinces away that is unfinished, leaving it to pack and return, hoping you find it finished and beautiful?
This is the exact state the house was in when we signed the offer to purchase.
The kitchen/dining room/living room. The 'open plan'.
The contractor and his wife were fantastic people and because this was a small town, they had alot to loose if things went the wrong way.
We were shown a piece of trim and the stain being used for the kitchen cabinets and all other woodwork. I loved it! The only thing we changed was the choosing of our own flooring throughout the house.
Of course, that was easy. Hardwood, ceramic tile and carpeted bedrooms.
My husband took alot of pictures as the house progressed as he had already started work in Manitoba and I was sitting in Calgary waiting for him to come home for the weekends.
He showed me pictures as the interior of the house was finished. I liked it and now that I think of it, there wasn't too much I could have done if I hadn't liked it.
We had a corner lot and had the deck built before moving in.
The deck was a must. It faces West and is the best part of the yard.

This was my baby that I drove from Calgary loaded with the more precious items that I didn't trust to be in the trailer. I had to sell her eventually for a more economical vehicle.
Could you put all your earthly possessions in a 17' trailer?
We did and it was all due to my husbands geniusness. He actually mapped out the trailer showing exactly where all the large items would go and from there we piled the boxes and miscellaneous stuff.
He was amazing and it worked. The only item we left behind was our sofa.
(I wasn't sad though). We really were due for new furniture.
Here I am in the midst of unloading the trailer.
The temperature was around 30 C.
We were so hot but we had no one to help us because we didn't know anybody yet.
Can you tell we were a little hot? We look like drowned rats.
A much needed and deserved smoke break! We are done.
I wonder if we turned on the A/C in the house. Something much needed in Manitoba.
Here's hubby all showered and relaxing. I think he's probably browsing for furniture stores. I'm sure he's thinking if only we'd had room for our sofa.
Boy, this house was really white. Not so much now.
You'll eventually see how much our little bungalow has changed as I get to adding new photos of our life here.
So please keep checking in.